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Last revised February 5, 2014

A site brief should set out the views of the local community which a developer should take into account should the site be developed. It can be very useful to prevent sites being sold at inflated prices because sites are sold with unrealistic ‘hope value’ levels.

St Werburgh’s Community Association drew up a site brief for the Brooks site in St Werburgh’s read it here This has been used in discussions with the site developers to ensure that development proposals take account of community concerns and aspirations.

St Pauls Unlimited rpg drew up a site brief for a site in their area which included the Bristol Planning Policy and any other policy background as well as the community’s aspirations for the site  St Paul’s Unlimited rpg site brief

The headings which the St Paul’s site brief used could be taken as a checklist for your site brief:

Site Brief: Community Vision

 Pre application advice note

Site Name insert descriptive title
Location insert full address or grid reference
Location Plan   Insert map eg from
Applicable policies list policies applying to site
Planning History Insert reference numbers for previous applications
Character of Site Brief description
Context Photos Views towards site from different viewpoints
 Comments by NPN residents planning group 
Suggested use(s) Is the site in the Sites Allocation plan- if so what use is allocated.What use does the community think appropriate for the site?Do you have any evidence about type of eg residential type that the community would prefer?
Scale and massing of new development
Character and materials
Transport issues
Sustainability Refer to SPD5 and ……..refer to current BCC requirement
Further consultation NPN RGP inserts contact details and process for further consultation
Planning obligations S106 mitigation measures necessitated by site development: consider traffic and transport, flood risk, contamination, drainage
Other comments Consider routes through and around site, views into and out of site, impact on adjacent and adjoining owners, overshadowing or overlooking issues,
Contact details Group representatives contact details / other groups that should be involved.


You can download this as a document here NPN Site Brief pro forma 2014