Tall buildings presentation from New London Architecture event

November 4, 2018

Tall buildings in London- how much is too many?

This event held in London addressed the subject relevant to Bristol’s current Urban Living Supplementary Planning Document and Local Plan review and the presentation by Nicholas Boys Smith from Create Streets is particularly interesting with regard to this.

Create Streets presentation here

Link to event page here


RIBA publishes ’10 characteristics of Places where people want to live’

November 2, 2018

The Royal Institute of British Architects has published a report in response to the Letwin Independent Review of Build Out rates. It addresses the finding that

“If either the major house builders themselves, or others, were to offer much more housing of varying types, designs and tenures on the large sites that matched appropriately the desires of communities, then the overall absorption rates could be substantially accelerated.”

Included in the report are a number of interesting statements including

• Consistent engagement with all relevant stakeholders from an early stage”


“The focus of the current planning system is skewed in favour of increasing housing numbers at the expense of good design and creating sustainable, liveable places. This has inevitably perpetuated an environment of resentment towards development among local residents. Communities feeling locked out of the decision-making process is symptomatic of the wider problem where development comes forward only in the context of numbers of homes supplied.”

read the full report here 

TCPA Planning for Affordable Housing report

November 1, 2018

The TCPA’s Planning for Affordable Housing report looks at the reasons why councils aren’t meeting demands for affordable housing in England.

read the report here