Bristol current Local plan 2011 > is to be superseded under the current review:
What’s in the current Local Plan?
The Core Strategy sets out the Key Diagram for development and the overarching planning policies.
The Site Allocations and Development Management Policies document sets out:
- the Sites which are allocated for development and what uses those sites should have.
- the Designations for particular uses, such as retail centres, or open spaces with particular designations such as Sites of Special Scientific Interest or National Scientific Interest.
- the development management principles; the way in which the policies in the Core Strategy are to be achieved.
The Bristol Central Area Plan sets out:
- the future of development of Bristol City Centre including guidance on the design of the Public Realm and Movement framework.
The Community Infrastructure Levy CIL is also part of the Local Plan documents. This sets the level of developer contributions towards the city’s infrastructure and identifies major infrastructure projects in a Infrastructure Delivery Schedule, called a Regulation 123 list which will be updated regularly.
Some of the CIL is devolved to the area where the development takes place. The proportion has been set as 15% generally, and 25% in an area where a Neighbourhood Development Plan has been adopted.
Bristol City Council councillors identify infrastructure projects in their area which could be funded by locally devolved CIL money. The decisions are made at Area Committee meetings which public are not allowed to address.
See BCC website for details of all documents and background information and evidence.
The Bristol Local Plan is drawn up in consultation with the local community and businesses, planning professionals and adjoining authorities.