Central Area Action Plan
Part of the Local Development Framework documentation is the Central Area Action Plan DPD. This sits below the Core Strategy.
We have posted a copy of a BCS paper on the NPN Web site with a brief explanation of
what is happening with the Central Area Action Plan process.
See http://www.bristolnpn.net/current-projects/central-area-plan
If any members of NPN have any comments on the draft paper or are interested in being involved in the event which the Bristol Civic Society is suggesting,
please could they contact John Frenkel, Bristol Civic Society Major Sites groupjohnfrenkel@blueyonder.co.uk
Hotwells and Cliftonwood Community Traffic Strategy
Hotwells and Cliftonwood Community Association have drawn up a Community Traffic Strategywhich is available on their website http://www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/
They are asking for advice from any member of NPN about how they can best ensure that the efforts that have gone into drawing this up are not wasted.
Does anyone have any ideas how the council can be encouraged to adopt proposals in the HCCA community strategy?
Contact admin@hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk if you have any tips.