Quarterly meeting 9 Jan 2018

The Writing Room, City Hall, 5.30 to 7.00 pm

  1. HMO Licensing  – ‘Consultation on a new House in Multiple Occupied licensing scheme’ – Tom Gilchrist
  2. Music Venues – and protection of existing venues- Gary Collins
  3. Updates on:
  • a.      Local Plan        –   Sarah O’Driscoll
  • b.      One City Plan   –   Sarah O’Driscoll
  • c.      Update on working with University – Zoe Willcox

Future dates are listed on the NPN website

Are NPN groups representative?

Over the year, we have received some enquiries asking about why a NPN group has been identified as the spokesman for the community on planning matters, particularly at pre-application stage.
It is very important that groups ensure that the terms of reference are followed. They set out the duty of the group to ensure that people are aware of how they can join the group, and feel encouraged to do so. 
Local notice boards, local free newsletters, and other community organisations’ newsletters are all good ways to tell people about the group.

We confirm that it is not necessary to advertise individual meetings, but NPN groups should make the community aware that the group holds meetings which are open to group members only, except for the AGM.


  • show that they are open to all residents in their area;
  • openly advertise their meetings by for example by email or Newsletter;
  • elect representatives by a general meeting at least once each year and
  • seek to represent a consensus view.

Please note that, where there is no consensus view, it is important to tell the developer and planning case officer what the various views are.

This often occurs when residents living next to the site in question have different concerns than the NPN group, who look at the wider picture, but can also cover divided opinions across the local community.

Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Alison and Andy