Bi Monthly Meeting with Planning Officers
– Wednesday 22 September 2010
The minutes of the last NPN / Planning department bi monthly meeting are attached
(at bottom of page).
The next meeting is 23 November.
Architect in the Gallery
Bristol architect Will Lakin www.willlakin.co.uk will be giving homeowners and neighbourhood groups FREE pre-booked 30 minute design consultations in art galleries across the South West.
Alternatively, 60 minute home consultations are offered in exchange for a donation to Shelter, the housing and homelessness charity.
To register a booking or for more information
please visit www.architectinthegallery.org.uk or email info@architectinthegallery.org.uk
Events are hosted at:
13 October 2010 (10am-5pm)
2 November 2010 (10am-5pm)
27 November 2010 (12pm-5pm)
Air Pollution and Noise Pollution
The Environmental Law Foundation has circulated an invitation to all groups to attend a public meeting on these issues.
Simon Tilling, Solicitor at Burges Salmon, expert in noise pollution
Neil Morgan, Associate Director of Innovative Acoustics
Steve Crawshaw, Air Quality Officer at Bristol City Council
Wednesday 6 October
6.15pm to 7.30pm
Trinity Centre, Trinity Road, Bristol, BS2 0NW
Contact: Peter Wiggins on
020 7404 1136 or scp@elflaw.org
For more details see under
Meetings Calendar >Training events
Development Management Department Staffing Review
City Development Management has put Phase 1 proposals to staff to achieve the loss of approximately 25% of staff by April 2011, from the existing establishment of 48.
This includes deleting twelve posts including;
- 3 Area Planning Coordinators,
- 5 Principal Planning Officers and
- 2 Senior Planning Officers
Six posts have already been removed from the service in the last 2 years,
where posts have been vacated and not filled.
Bristol Civic Society Meetings
The Civic Society’s Working Groups Evening
Thursday 21 October
Friends Meeting House, Hampton Road, Redland
Members free
Non-members £2
The Working Groups of the Society monitor all of Bristol’s planning applications for those that might affect the quality of our city and if necessary they make submissions to the city’s planning committee and initiate lobbying, or even suggest alternative schemes.
They cover all building development, transport and public spaces.
This evening is your opportunity to hear about what they have been dealing with over the last year or so and the important issues for the next 12 months.
Followed by open discussion.
Adapting the suburbs to Climate Change – The Impact on your Neighbourhood
Professor Katie Williams
Thursday 25 November
Friends Meeting House, Hampton Road , Redland
Members free
Non-members £2
Professor Williams is Joint Director of the Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments
at the University of the West of England where she leads the SNACC project (Suburban Neighbourhood Adaptation for a Changing Climate).
She will explain how her team are trying to find out how existing suburban neighbourhoods can best be adapted, protected and improved to reduce the impacts of climate change such as heatwaves, flooding and storms.
The research is in its early stages.
BCS e-bulletin
BCS e-bulletin latest edition (September) is available