Quarterly meeting
Presentations from the last quarterly meeting have been uploaded to the BristolNPN website meeting note page here

Dates for 2018 have not yet been set: I will send out proposed dates soon.

Raynsford Review

The Raynsford Review of Planning has been set up to identify how the Government can reform the English planning system to make it fairer, better resourced and capable of producing quality outcomes, while still encouraging the production of new homes.

It will be informed by a task force chaired by former planning minister Nick Raynsford and will include politicians, housing providers, developers, consultants, academics and the public. Read more here

The ‘provocation papers’ by Hugh Ellis TCPA Director of Policy are worth reading!

Portishead line consultation.
The consultation about the proposed reopening of the Metrowest line from Portishead is now open until 4th December

Local Plan & Parks Review
The local plan review will include designating green space in line with the National Planning Policy Framework, which says that communities should identify Local Green Space.
“By designating land as Local Green Space local communities will be able to rule out new development other than in very special circumstances.”

Go to NPPF and see page 26 paragraphs 76 and 77 for full text
Workshops are proposed to look at this and other elements of the Local Plan review.

A BCC parks consultation, following the Bristol City Council  2017 Budget which included the aim of achieving a ‘cost-neutral’ parks service by April 2019, is expected shortly.

Invitation to NPN members
to join the Bristol Walking Alliance

Bristol Walking Alliance campaigns to improve the environment for walking in Bristol. We try to influence council policies, strategies and schemes, we comment on planning applications, we run individual campaigns.  We have meetings for members every other month.

BWA is both an alliance of organisations and it has individual members too.  If your group supports BWA’s aims, do consider joining.  All that is needed is for the group to formally decide to join, on the basis of supporting the BWA manifesto.  The manifesto may be found at bristolwalkingalliance.org.uk/what-we-want/ (scroll down). Alternatively, you can sign up as an individual.

Alan Morris
Chair, Bristol Walking Alliance

email: enquiries@bristolwalkingalliance.org.uk