Quarterly meeting April 10th
City Hall, The Library, 5.30 to 7.00 pm.
1. Welcome and apologies Zoe Willcox
2. Clean Air Zone Alex Minshull
3. Role of Article 4 directions Gary Collins
4. Section 106 contributions – community input and potential pooling
Jim Cliffe
5. Items for future meetings / forward plan 2018
6. AOB
Next meetings: Tuesday 10th July, Tuesday 9th October.
If you have suggestions for future agenda items please let me know.
Bristol Local Plan review
The consultation closes on April 13th.
You are encouraged to send your responses to this consultation.
- Do the proposed policies set out the issues as you see them for your community or area of interest?
- Are there aspects or issues in your area that are not covered by the proposed plan?
- Are the policies that are no longer retained fully covered by proposed new policies or are there elements of the old plan policies that you think should be carried forward?
- Do you have thoughts about designations of land for industrial/ retail/ residential in your area that might change?
- Are there any areas of green space not identified in the current plan which should be included as Specially Protected Green Space?
This is your opportunity to ensure that future development in your area better reflects the wishes of the local community.
The next stage of consultation will be in October/ November 2018 when policy wording will be set out for comment.
Go to the Consultation page.
Urban Living SPD
The consultation closes on April 13th.
There are two surveys, a quick survey and a more detailed survey; both are available here
City Centre Framework Consultation.
Bristol City Council has drafted a City Centre Framework document for consultation. The Framework sets out aspirations for how people access and move around the City Centre. Closes 14th May. Presentation, workshops to discuss and provide feedback on the draft City Centre Framework:
6pm to 7.30pm on 16 April at City Hall. Find out more and register your attendance at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/shaping-the-future-of-bristol-city-centre-tickets-44515992532
Pop-up exhibitions to raise awareness of the consultation are planned as follows:
11am to 2pm on 11 April – St Nicholas Market foyer, Corn Street
2pm to 5pm on 23 April – Citizen Service Point, 100 Temple Street
3.30pm to 6.30pm 3 May – Central Library foyer, Deanery Road
Go to the Consultation page
Please forward this email to your group members who are not on the NPN circulation list.