Site Allocations & Development Management Policies consultation: 6 Jan to 17 Feb 2014
The council is proposing modifications to the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Publication Version (March 2013).
The main modifications are available to view on the council’s websitewww.bristol.gov.uk/siteallocations and in the Foyer of City Hall, College Green, Bristol BS1 5TR (Monday-Friday 7am-7pm).
Representations must be submitted by Monday 24 February 2014. They should be sent to:
- By email: bdf@bristol.gov.uk ; or
- By post: Strategic Planning Team, Bristol City Council, Brunel House, St George’s Road, Bristol BS1 5UY
A ‘tracked changes’ version of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Publication Version showing the proposed main and additional modifications is also available to view on the council’s website.
Development services e bulletin:
A regular bulletin is sent out by BCC with useful updates on planning and building regulations. You can read all these on the Design Bristol website here or sign up to receive the bulletin direct here
BUDF schemes reviewed: 9 Dec 2013
St Ursula’s, Henleaze; Fry Building UoB, Dove Lane Plot A, St Pauls
The BUDF’s response letter to each of the schemes seen by the Design Review Panel on 9 December 2013 have been published on the public page of the BUDF website: http://www.budf.org.uk/schemes-reviewed
Quarterly Meeting 30 Jan at City Hall, 5.30-7pm
At the previous meeting members asked that we focus on the many projects that are proposed for thecentral city area. The next meeting will look at the Central Area Plan, including the Public realm and Movement Strategy and will also include the current Transport and Cycling schemes.
Please can you let me know if there are any other specific aspects that you would like to raise?