UWE/NPN conference tomorrow

9 June 2012 
It’s not too late to decide to come.
Just turn up and pay on the door. more information 

Neighbourhood Planning Consultation

8 June – 20 July 2012

The Localism Act November 2011 allows community groups to apply for the designation of aNeighbourhood Planning Area and to apply to be designated as the Neighbourhood Planning Forum for that area.

A designated Neighbourhood Planning Forum will then be able to prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan or Neighbourhood Development Orders for the area. These documents will help to direct and encourage growth in housing, employment provision and the provision of facilities to support the community.

Bristol City Council has received applications for area and forum designations from three groups that were in the initial government’s pilot scheme:

  • Lockleaze Voice Neighbourhood Development Forum
  • Myrtle Triangle Neighbourhood Development Forum (Bedminster)
  • Redcliffe Way Neighbourhood Development Forum

Please note that if a Neighbourhood Planning Forum designation is made, no other organisation or body may be designated for that neighbourhood area until that designation expires (5 years from the date of designation) or is withdrawn.

From the 8 June 2012 to 20 July 2012 the council will be consulting on these applications, with all information relating to this consultation available on our Neighbourhood Planning web page, atwww.bristol.gov.uk/neighbourhoodplanning or the council’s Consultation Finder.

Hard copies of these applications will be available to view at
Horfield Library (Lockleaze Voice),
Bedminster Library (Myrtle Triangle) 
Central Library (Redcliffe Way)

or by making an appointment to view a copy at
Brunel House, St George Street, BS1 5UY
Tel (0117) 9036725.

Responses on either the boundary of the area, or the right of the Forums to produce the plans, must be made by 20 July 2012, and may be made by email to bdf@bristol.gov.uk or by freepost to:
Neighbourhood Planning (HR/CD/BH) FREEPOST 6529 BRISTOL, BS1 5BR

For further information please contact the Strategic Planning Team
on (0117) 903 6725 or email bdf@bristol.gov.uk