Sustainability Guidance

The Bristol based charity the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) has produced free guidance for communities considering sustainable energy.

“During 2012/13 CSE have been encouraging and supporting a handful of community groups and national government/support providers to consider sustainable energy within neighbourhood planning. Their experience and limited research suggests very few groups are currently considering the opportunities this topic presents in: environmental benefits, nurturing community involvement in projects and making our neighbourhoods more sustainable.”

This work has informed the development of free guidanceavailable here

Keiran Highman from the CSE who compiled the guidance is also very keen to learn more from those involved or interested in this area, and has set-up a ten minute survey:https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/78LKDPV

Any responses would be very welcome.

Neighbourhood Planning resources:

Latest Up Front newsletter on Neighbourhood Planning  –  read here

Locality guide to Neighbourhood Plans Roadmap guide updated May 2013  –  read more 

Website with links to all the currently adopted Neighbourhood Plans  –  read more 

Map showing location of areas currently drawing up Neighbourhood Plans –  read more

Useful blog called Neighbourhood Watch with updates on NDPlans –  read more 

Forum for Neighbourhood Planning – website by Planning Aid and RTPI –  read more

Briefing notes and updates on Neighbourhood Planning, PAS Planning Advisory Service –  read more

Creating Places for People:

How Custom Build can help provide for the housing needs of a Green Capital 

Presentations from Custom Build & Self Build conference in June – read here

Traditionally, custom build homes are commissioned by individuals or groups for their own use, and are either self-build projects or are constructed with help from builders. This conference was looking at ways to use this system including in the larger ‘volume house building’ schemes.