Community Involvement Meetings – Rapid Transit Routes 2, 3 and
S Bristol Link

July / August 2011

The Agendas

The meetings agendas will cover

  1. How far previous community involvement has resulted in change
    to the proposals
  2. What other reasons have driven change
  3. The criteria on which the bid is being made
  4. What choices, if any remain in the bid for the community to make

NPN groups will be invited to nominate no more than two representatives each who will attend the meetings and feedback to the group and the local community.

NPN administrators (in collaboration with the Major Projects BRT officers) are compiling the list of groups who will be invited to attend the meetings; this will also include groups representing the business community as well as local residents community groups.

It is important for you to know that your involvement at this stage will not affect your right, or that of your group, to object to the principle or detail of the bus rapid transit proposals as the scheme moves through to Stage 3.

This is your only opportunity to be involved in this level of detail, prior to the council’s applications for the necessary powers to build and operate. 

We have listed the groups who were involved in the first set of meetings. If your group is not listedor you know of another group in the area that is not listed and you think it should be, would youplease contact me asap? 

If your group is interested in attending these meetings, please can you let us have contact details for the relevant group members as soon as possible.

We understand that a set of papers which give the update information will be made available before the meetings and we will circulate these, so that people can update themselves before the meeting. This will ensure that the meetings are most effective.

: these meetings will not be the forum for discussing the principle of BRT or the form chosen. There will be an opportunity for the public including NPN groups to speak for or against the proposed network of BRT links at the public enquiry stage.

The Meetings

NPN meetings for Rapid Transit system discussions will be as follows:

 Wednesday  13 July  5.30pm  Central Area – NPN groups (with business reps)
 Thursday  14 July  6.00pm  BRT3 S incl SBL
 Monday  18 July  5.30pm  BRT2 Ashton Vale to loop
 Wednesday  20 July  6.00pm  Central Area – NPN groups (with business reps)
 Tuesday  26 July  5.00pm  BRT3 N
 Wednesday  27 July  5.30pm  Whole System Meeting
 Thursday  28 July  6.00pm  BRT3 S
 Monday  1 Aug  5.30pm  BRT2 Ashton Vale to loop NPN + business reps
 Tuesday  2 Aug  5.00pm  BRT3 N


Groups – Line 2

Transport for Greater Bristol Alliance

Ashton Vale Heritage Group

Greater Bedminster Community Partnership

Southville Community Development Association

Merchants Landing Residents Association

Hotwells and Cliftonwood Community Association

Redcliffe Futures Group

Redcliffe Forum

Easton and Lawrence Hill Planning Group

Planning Solutions

Broadmead Traders

Bristol East Side Traders

St Pauls Unlimited

Portland and Brunswick Square Association

Christmas Steps Arts Quarter

Bristol Civic Society

Disability Access Group

British Motorcycle Federation

Association of British Drivers

Long Ashton Parish Council

Abbots Leign Parish Council

Wraxall and Failand Parish Council

Flax Bourton Parish Council

Barrow Gurney Parish Council

Dundry Parish Council

Groups – Line 3 and South Bristol link

Hartcliffe and Withywood Pride of Place group

Hartcliffe and Withywood Venturers

Malago Conservation group

Knowle West Residents Planning group

Northern Slopes Initiative

Marksbury Residents Association

Redcliffe Futures Group

Totterdown Residents Environmental and Social Association

Brislington Community Partnership

Sustainable Knowle

Southville Community Development Association

BS3 planning group (Greater Bedminster Community Partnership)

Kingfisher Group

Friends of Avon New Cut