Planning events April

Some dates for your diary 

Bristol Civic Society are in the process of arranging a series of planning talks and discussions working in partnership with UWE and Bristol Society of Architects (RIBA) on the evenings of 10, 17 and 24 April at YHA Building, Narrow Quay.

These talks are open to all members of the Neighbourhood Planning Network.
The talks will include a speaker giving the developer’s point of view; this is another chance to hear the very interesting talk, which was given at the UWE conference in June 2012; there will also be another chance to work with local architects to look at the issues that designers cover in developing their proposals; this follows the previous very well received workshop held a couple of years ago for NPN members by BSA/RIBA.

A small charge will be made for a place for the series of talks.

More details will be circulated when available.

Neighbourhood Planning update

Two more Bristol Neighbourhood Plan Areas have been designated in

  • Old Market Quarter and
  • Lawrence Weston

read more

The next stage will be the application to be designated as the Planning Forums for the areas. A period for application for Neighbourhood Planning Forum designation will start this week, followed by advertisement of the applications for statutory 6 week period and a decision aimed for by mid May.

News from elsewhere:

Upper Eden is the first neighbourhood plan to reach examination stage. The examiner’s report recommended that the plan should proceed to referendum. The referendum information and examiner’s report is available online: see here

Minister for Planning Nick Boles announced on 18 December a continuation of funding of up to £30,000 per scheme for local planning authorities 2013/14.
Further details can be found here:

For further news on neighbourhood planning, the second edition of the bulletin from the team in DCLG, is available here
Locality roadmap to neighbourhood planning is available here

Permitted development rights for change of use from B1(a) office to C3 residential

This will come into force in Spring 2013 for an initial time limited period of 3 years.
Local planning authorities can apply for exemption for particular areas of their locality:
read more

Next Quarterly Meeting reminder:

the next quarterly meeting is on Thursday 28 February.

The main topic will be Design