Joint Conference

uwe and npn
Joint Neighbourhood Planning Community Conference
University of the West of England (UWE) and Bristol Neighbourhood Planning Network
Saturday, 9 June 2012

R Block, UWE,
Frenchay Campus, UWE,
Coldharbour Lane,
Bristol BS16 1QY

The conference will cover
changes to the planning system,
a look at the financial aspects of development and
an opportunity for you to ask questions and
to discuss with UWE how they can best support community planning groups in the future
read more……..

Please note that booking is essential and that
there is a nominal £5 fee to help with costs.

Notes from NPN quarterly meeting 19-04-12

– see NPN website for Mixed and Balanced Communities slide presentation

Implementation of Mixed and Balanced Communities (Housing mix) 
Presentation by Simon Fletcher BCC

There would be a Supplementary Planning Document SPD on Housing as part of the Local Development Framework.
Officers are still working up ideas which would inform SPD.
Currently there are informal practice notes on how to implement the housing policies in the Core Strategy which will be superseded by SPD.

Slide 1: The presentation slides set out the current policy background and evidence.

Slide 2: The recent National Planning Policy Framework has not changed the core guidance.

Slide 3: BDF Core Policies cover Affordable housing BCS 17 and Type of Housing BCS 18.

Slide 4: The policy principle for Affordable Housing provision is that developments of 15 units and above should contribute towards Affordable housing. Target contributions set to 30% or 40% by area.

Slide 5:
 SHMA Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2009 housing need requirements

Slide 5: viability testing was carried out by consultants to set levels of affordable housing

Slide 6: issues to allow officer to assess what is reasonable to ask for in the way of mix of housing types

Slide 7: requirement for all developments to contribute to the mix of housing in the area

Slide 8:
 The evidence for these policies is presented in the SHMA Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2009 and the SHLAA Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (all available from BCC Local Development Framework webpage)

Slide 9:
 Evidence of the large number of flats supplied since 2001

Slide 10: Evidence of the high numbers of small units since 2006

Slide 11:
 Evidence of the loss of family housing since 2001

Slide 12:
 Evidence of the concentration of HMO Housing in Multiple Occupancy by area

Slide 13: Evidence aging of population

Slide 14: Evidence of increase in population with disabilities

Slide 15: Broad Objectives of Housing Mix

Slide 16: How the housing mix could be implemented

Slide 17: Development Management policies
(emerging) DM1 sub-divisions, shared and specialist housing

Slide 18: DM2 Affordable housing provision / DM3 Wheelchair Accessible Housing

Slide 19: HE3 Family Sized Housing / HE4 Student Housing


Presentation by Gary Collins BCC.

7 out of 36 Development Management officers are engaged in Enforcement.
The team was one short last year because officer was on secondment to parks department but is now back up to full strength.

There is one team manager, 4 officers doing re-active work and 2 Pro-active work.
The team is focussing on monitoring developments at an earlier stage of construction, rather than waiting for complaints from the community, to avoid developments getting too far advanced before enforcement action is taken.

The team is working with Building Regulations team officers to ensure they are aware of start on site dates.

Enforcement is discretionary so there is no national measurement criteria set.
BCC enforcement approach is to seek to negotiate and, if this is not successful, to serve notice.

Last year, proactive enforcement work was carried out to gather evidence to provide guidance on thedifference between, and how to measure, A1 and A3 use classes

A1 Shops: Use for any of the following puroposes:
a) for the retail sale of goods other than hot food
d) for the sale of sandwiches or other cold food for consumption off the premises

A3 Restaurants and Bars:
A restaurant whose trade is primarily in-house dining but which has ancillary bar use will be in Class A3. Where the pub or bar activity is a minor component of the business and will not affect environmental amenity, it will treated as ancillary to the primary (restaurant) use of the premises. Such matters will be decided on the basis of fact and degree in each case.

This year, a citywide campaign to identify and deal with sites, which are causing harm to 
the amenity of the neighbourhood
 through s215 Notices will be prioritised.
See link

Next Quarterly Meeting will be
Thursday 19 July 2012.

Please let us have any agenda items you would like to suggest.