Urban Living SPD
The consultation has now gone live at https://bristol.citizenspace.com/growth-regeneration/urban-living/

A consultation on a new Urban Living SPD has now started and will run until 13 April 2018. The SPD adds further detail to a new Urban Living policy in the Bristol Local Plan which is being consulted upon at the same time.

Local Plan Review event

Local Plan review consultation event will be at 6pm Tuesday 6th March in the Cash Hall at Bristol City Hall – entrance from College Street, the rear of the building opposite Brunel House.

All members of Bristol Neighbourhood Planning Network groups are invited. Please circulate this invitation to members of your groups.

The purpose of the event will be to introduce the consultation, provide an opportunity for questions and discussion and to set out the next steps in the Local Plan process.

Please can you confirm if you would like to attend?
Thank you.