Next Quarterly Meeting – Change of Date

The next quarterly date was set as 10 January 2013.
I have discussed this with Zoe and agreed that it is going to be difficult to get a meeting set up so soon after the holiday period for the proposed topic.
We are therefore trying to find a date in February and I will let you have the date as soon as room availability is confirmed, and the relevant officers have said they can attend.

I have suggested to Zoe that the topic could be an update of the current design guidance and policies, which are used to guide design and assess planning applications.

The NPPF has replaced planning policy statements and guidance.
The Building for Life criteria have been updated in 2012.
The Core Strategy has adopted design policies.
Development Management Policies on design are being finalised in the Site Allocations and Development Management DPD.
BCC has drawn up the City Design Initiative.
Design Bristol is a new platform for discussing place-making in Bristol.
The Bristol Urban Design Forum now shares their agenda with NPN groups and encourages groups to let them have their pre application comments to take account of in their Design Reviews as does the Conservation Area Panel.

All these initiatives should support the improvement in design in Bristol and we need to discuss how communities can get better design solutions for developments in their area.

As always, if anyone has any suggestions for topics for Quarterly meetings it would be good to hear from you.

I will circulate the revised February meeting date after the holiday period.

The dates for quarterly meetings 2012 are
Thursday 9 May 5.30 – 7.00 pm in The Council House
Thursday 11 July 5.30 – 7.00 pm in The Council House
Thursday 17 October 5.30 – 7.00 pm in The Council House