Quarterly meetings
The headline topic for the January meeting will be the issues involved in achieving the quota of affordable housing in commercial residential development.
Jim Cliffe gave a very clear explanation of all the background information with particular reference to the Elizabeth Shaw Chocolate Factory application to the Development Control Committee in November, you can still see it on the webcast here.
This set out issues of viability and how developers can assess the costs of eg retaining structures such as the factory building or Brooks laundry chimney and offset them against the cost of providing affordable housing. This is something that NPN groups need to understand so that they can see the implications of pressing for particular design solutions.
Jim Cliffe will present this item and we can discuss the topic with him and the planning officers.
Future Meeting dates 2017.
The following dates have been proposed and BCC are arranging booking of rooms in City Hall.
- 11th April
- 11th July
- 10th October
Bristol Civic Society:
Design Awards Panel.
Would you be interested in being one of the panel? The Civic Society is looking for an NPN member to join them. The three aspects of development which they are proposing are newbuild, conservation and public realm/open space. Please contact Simon Birch if you are interested.
Last, but not least, Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Alison