NPN quarterly meeting

Reminder that the next quarterly meeting is on this
Tuesday 23 October at 
5.30pm to 7.00 pm 
in the 
Council House

Agenda items will be as set out in previous newsletter

  • New Permitted Development proposals – Julie Seaton
  • Re-negotiation of S106 agreements requiring affordable housing – Gary Collins
  • Reducing planning ‘delays’ – Gary Collins/ Julie Seaton
  • Update on CIL/ reasonable proportion – Zoe Willcox

Community Infrastructure Levy

The Council’s CIL charges were approved at a meeting of Full Council on 18 September 2012 and CIL will be implemented on 1 January 2013, meaning that all relevant planning consents granted after this date will be required to pay CIL.

In addition, the Planning Obligations SPD, to replace SPD4, was adopted by Cabinet on
27 September 2012 and will also be implemented on 1 January 2013.

The CIL webpage can be found at the following link:

Old Market Quarter Future

This group is applying for designation of their Neighbourhood Planning Area and has set up a new website to start their community involvement –
see www.oldmarketquarterfuture.org

News items

If anyone has any news items that they would like to share with the rest of the network
please do send them to me.