Neighbourhood Planning Network News    19 September 2018

!!!  TODAY:

Talk with Hannover city council’s Gwendolyn Kusters

September 19, 2018 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm


1 Hour 30 Minutes

Gwendolyn Kusters is currently working with the International Office of Bristol City Council.

Gwendolyn is a landscape architect and works in Hannover’s green area office in one of the two planning teams which look after all the green public space in Hannover. The team designs mainly parks, school playgrounds, Kindergarten outdoor facilities and public playgrounds.

She is particularly interested in citizen participation and will talk about her work in Hannover and how her work in Bristol ties up with this. Gwendolyn has also been included in discussions about Bristol’s effort to support Hannover’s application for European Capital of Culture in 2025.

City Hall College Green Bristol

Urban Living SPD Consultation

Reminder that the Urban Living Supplementary Planning Document consultation closes on 25th September. To make your comments see here

This will be the main agenda item at the next NPN quarterly meeting.

Quarterly meeting Tuesday October 9th 2018


Please note that in future, we are not able to book the larger meeting rooms in City Hall so spaces are limited. I will therefore be asking people to confirm if they wish to attend the meetings. If too many people attend, those with confirmed attendance will be given priority.

I will endeavour to ensure that there is space for as many groups as possible, so groups wishing to send a number of members may be asked to restrict their numbers.

The proposed agenda items at present are

Urban Living SPD update

Legible City update.


Redcliffe Neighbourhood Development Forum Consultation

Redcliffe Residents Action Group and community forum are applying to be designated as the Forum for taking forward the Redcliffe Neighbourhood Development Plan. The consultation is open until November 2nd.

Local Plan Review

The date of the next consultation has been put back to keep it in line with the Joint Spatial Plan Programme and is now expected to start on November 30th.

High Streets consultation

The consultation on the future of Bristol’s High Streets closes on 7 October.