NPN quarterly meetings 2015
Wed 21st January 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm
Thurs 23rd April 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm
Wed 22nd July 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm
Thurs 15th October 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm
Meeting notes and the presentation from the last meeting in November 2014 have been uploaded to the NPN website here.
Please let me have any suggestions for agenda items
Consulting the wider community:
‘Up Front’ neighbourhood planning newsletter: some interesting case studies are featured in this month’s newsletter including some on involving sections of the community that are not ordinarily involved in planning. See the Newsletter here
Q: How do you engage with the whole community and not just those who are easiest to involve?
A: Sometimes community engagement is difficult because it is carried out in the wrong place, or at the wrong time, or uses the wrong method and fails to engage the people it wants to. Case Study
Pre application enquiry process
NPN are now included as consultees in the pre application enquiry process which means that the NPN group’s main issues and aspirations for a particular site (or a more detailed response to developer proposals if the group has already been in discussion with the developer before he submitted a pre application enquiry to BCC) can be taken into account by the case officer when he writes his response to the enquiry.
This is an additional opportunity to register any community issues with the planning case officer at the earliest stage; the pre application community involvement process as previously set out for major developments is still expected see more information here
Last, but not least, Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.