The Decentralisation & Localism Bill: Consultation

The Bill was published for its first reading in Parliament on 10 December 2010. It is expected to gain assent and come into force by the end of 2011. There is opportunity for public comments to be sent in as the Bill progresses through its Parliamentary Committee stages.

The Guide below has been prepared by Network Administrators. The Network is collecting two reactions from residents’ planning groups and other community groups in the Network:

  1. Questions on where you think that the provisions in the Bill are not clear so that we can put those to the department of Communities & local Government
  2. Queries or challenges where you think that the provisions are not adequate or will not work, so that we can send those to MP’s dealing with amendments to the Bill. We are particularly interested in whether you think the Bill will work for the quality of community involvement.

Please send your questions and criticisms to Network Administratordavidfarnsworth@tiscali.co.uk by the deadline of Wednesday 26 January 2011

Responses will either be added to questions directed at the DCLG and the answers circulated to the Network or added to proposed amendments to the Bill and submitted to Parliament

The Bill contains a whole range of provisions to do with local democracy, Local Authorities as well as planning. The Guide below picks out the provisions directly relating to planning and neighbourhood groups.
To see a copy of the Bill in full go to
 http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2010-11/localism.htmland click on
“Read this Bill”. You can also track the progress of the Bill from the same site.

Other details of the Bill can be found on the Department for Communities & Local Government site at

NPN Guide

NPN has written a guide to the Decentralisation and Localism Bill as it affects

Neighbourhood Development Planning.

It has been posted onto the NPN website.

Please use this link to see the NPN guide.