Bi Monthly Meeting with Planning Officers
– Wednesday 22 September 2010

The agenda for the bi monthly meeting is confirmed as
1. Discussion of the draft Development Management policies

  • DM10 Development in back gardens and Design Policies including
  • DM15 Local context
  • DM16 Creation of high quality, sustainable places
  • DM18 Design proposals for new buildings
  • DM19 Extensions and alterations to existing buildings
  • DM20 Impact of heritage asset

2. Update on the Houses in Multiple Occupation
planning policy revocation and how Bristol intends to deal with issues of over intensive HMO use in existing residential areas.

The meeting will be at Brunel House reception,
St Georges Road Bristol
at 5.30 – 7.30 as usual.

Thank you to those of you who have already said they would come and those of you who suggested other policies.

Please note that there will be other opportunities to discuss the policies listed above and the rest of the policies – see below the invitation sent out by the BDF planning team

BDF team invitation for Development Management policy events

Dear Sir/Madam

As representatives of organisations and businesses, with an interest in the development
of the city, I would like to invite you to participate in helping to shape
new Development Management policies.

As part of current consultation on the
Site Allocations and Development Management Options, views are being sought on Ideas for Development Management Policies.

Whilst individual written comments are welcomed in response, it would also be helpful to
have the opportunity to discuss the content of the draft policies in a round table format.

I would, therefore, like to suggest a short series of round table workshops
in the second half of October.

I envisage they would separately cover three broad topics –

1. Policies on design and the historic environment 
2. Policies on green infrastructure
3. Policies on transport / health / retail / economy 

If you would like to participate, please reply to bdf@bristol.gov.uk
or call Jane Tiley on 0117 9036725 
by 24 September 2010.

She will then contact those who have responded to arrange the workshops.

The Ideas for Development Management Policies can be viewed on the Bristol City Council’s websitehttp://www.bristol.gov.uk/siteallocations


Apologies for the lack of notes of the last bi-monthly meeting in July:
we are still waiting for a copy of the presentation from the City Design Group.