Neighbourhood Planning Network News    17 October 2018

Quarterly Meeting presentations October 2018.

The notes from the last meeting have been uploaded to the NPN website

Local Plan review

The next round of consultation has slipped back to March 2019. See the presentation from October Quarterly for full information on this and the JSP consultation dates.

Heritage Research Prize.

Pete Insole and Know your Place is on the short List for Historic England Angel Awards in the Heritage Research Prize category.

There are 3 finalists of the 2018 award in this category: Kristy Cooper for Heritage Ability in Devon, Mark Webb for knowledge-sharing charity Medieval Coventry, and Pete Insole for Know Your Place project in Bristol.

Please see the links above which include a video description and enables you to vote for the best on the short list. Voting is open until the end of Sunday November 18th – but why wait?