NPN Annual Meeting

Saturday 3 March
10 am – 1 pm (Doors open 9.45am)

Unitarian Church
Brunswick Square

We look forward to seeing you at the Unitarian Chapel, Brunswick Square Bristol BS2 8PE from 10am-1pm. (Doors open 9.45am)

We are drawing up a list of topics to update you on.
If there is anything you would like further information on, please let us know.

It would also be helpful if you could let us know whether you are intending to come to the meeting.

Please confirm your attendance to alison@bristolnpn.net 

Bristol Development Framework programme news

An email from BCC Strategic Planning Team was sent out this week,
setting the scene for the next round of consultation which starts
on 24 February for the Bristol Central Area Action Plan and
on 23 March  for the Site Allocations and Development Management policies 

Read more…

NPN / UWE Planning Event – 9 June 2012

Saturday 9 June 2012

The Bristol Neighbourhood Planning Network are working with the
University of the West of England (UWE) to develop a conference on how the community
can be most effective in planning their neighbourhood.

This conference will be tailored to what we want to know about planning and development in the current financial climate and changing planning legislation, and will be different from the current round of conferences which are only looking at the provisions of the Localism Act.
An initial meeting has been held at UWE to identify conference themes, but if you have particular matters that you would like to see included, please contact Sandra.Manley@uwe.ac.uk

In the meantime, as the ideas develop, please save this date. We hope this will be the first of series of NPN/UWE events that will help inform us to how to engage effectively and efficiently with the planning of our neighbourhoods.

NPN quarterly meeting with planners – 19 Jan 2012

The handouts from the last quarterly meeting have been posted on the website.
The topic was Localism and choices of planning tools for communities.

An extract from a guide compiled for CPRE was shared with NPN.
The full guide will be available shortly from CPRE. 

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NPN website

Remember to check the news items on the NPN website for updates on planning issues and information on other training events.

go to NPN website