The Planning Service
The Planning Service is currently reviewing its staffing levels. There may be additional reductions required after the government tells local councils what cuts they are expected to make on 22nd October.
NPN administrators would like to submit a statement from the Network as follows:
NPN members ask for confirmation that the current and possible further service review will not adversely affect the improvement in community involvement in development management planning processes that have been established over the last 2 years.
Since the adoption of the Statement of Community Involvement in October 2008, a number of new initiatives to bring about effective community involvement in planning have been introduced, in line with the change from Development Control to Development Management.
These include Development Forums, Development Briefs and officer engagement with local residents’ groups to help shape development in their area. These require early involvement in proposals for development in order to be effective and are therefore not at present covered by the income generating Planning Application process.
NPN is concerned that the proposed staffing cuts may reduce the progress of this work, which will reduce the effectiveness of the Development Management process.
We therefore ask the Lib Dem Administration and the City Development Strategic Director to confirm that effective community involvement and early and effective development management is still a priority for the Council and the Local Planning Authority and that they will ensure that the proposed cuts do not put this service at risk.
Please let me have any comments, suggestions for changes and
approval for the NPN Administrators to send this to
David Bishop,
Anthony Negus and
Barbara Janke
by the end of
Tuesday 19 October
Area Green Space Plans and Site Allocations responses
Area Green Space Plans and Site Allocations responses: closing date for these is 29 October
The investment in green spaces will continue to be consulted on after the end of the consultation period, through groups and Neighbourhood Partnerships but the disposals element of the AGSP consultation will be decided at Scrutiny Commission on 6 December and at Cabinet on 12 December.
It is essential that all comments on disposal of green space are submitted by the closing date.
Bristol Parks Forum Committee have confirmed with the Parks Officers, that the report that goes to these meetings will have all individual responses attached, so that Councillors can see the raw material.
The Officer’s report will highlight responses using the following criteria:
- a Volume of response about a particular park (eg petitions etc)
- b Any particular response/issue that appeared a large number of times
- c Any response that gave rise to a change of assessment about whether a site was low amenity value.
We recommend that, if you are putting in a response from your parks or planning group, you make sure that the Officers are aware of the way in which you have consulted your community about your response.
Preferably in a Community Involvement Statement, setting out how you have consulted eg email / meetings and how many responses have guided the group response.
This will ensure that sufficient weight is given to group responses.
Development Management Policy Workshops
A reminder that 3 workshops are being held by BDF team on
Session 1 –
Design and historic environment
Tuesday 19 October
6pm – 8pm
Session 2 –
Green infrastructure
Wednesday 20 October
6pm – 8pm
Session 3 –
Transport, retail, health, economy
Thursday 21 October
6pm – 8pm
All the sessions will be at the
Pavilion, Hannover Quay (at the end of Harbour Way overlooking the Floating Harbour).
Please respond to Jane Tiley 0117 903 6725
if you would like to book a place on these sessions
Civic Society Planning Applications Group case list 18th October
10/01090/FB 2-34 Studland Court BS9 Installation of hot air source pumps to each property
10/03861/F 10/03870/LC Bristol ZooTimber walkway; bridge over lake; replacement aviary shelter; meerkat enclosure
10/03970/LC Mardyke Landing, Hotwell Road Demolition of large metal shed
10/03946/F 10/03947/LA 28 Clare Street & 14 St. Stephen’s Street Various alterations, internal & external, some to facilitate residential use
10/04147/F Rear 5 Kingsdown Parade BS6 Build x2 houses with access from Alfred Hill
10/04029/F Rear 67 Pembroke Rd. BS8 Build x2 semi-detached family houses (amendments to 10/01002/F)
10/04087/F Rear 28 Ambrose Rd. BS8 Two storey mews house on site of former 3 storey townhouse
10/04091/A 23-27 Princess Victoria St. BS8 x1 ext. illum.fascia sign; x1 int. illum projection sign
10/04056/F 10/04229/LC Kingdom Hall, Headley Rd. BS13 Demolition of existing & replacement by new etc.
10/04094/A The Paragon 32 Victoria St. BS1 x3 illum. signs; x2 fascia signs; x1 projecting sign
10/04119/F “ “ “ “ “ New shop front
10/04105/H 14 Bramble Drive BS9 Extensions including new gable to front extension & demolition of garage
10/03460/A 10/03480/LA 7-9 Triangle South, BS8 Externally illuminated projecting sign to rear etc.
10/04190/VC Royal Fort Gardens Felling chestnut tree opposite The Lodge etc.
10/04112/F 1 Constitution Hill BS8 Additional storey for student accommodation
10/04234/F Rear of 74-80 Bell Hill Rd. west of Garfield Rd. BS5 x5 three-bed houses & x3 one-bed flats
10/04043/A 27 Penn Street BS1 Ext.. illum. fascia sign & internally illum. proj. sign
10/04207/A Somerfield Stores, Clarence Place, BS2x2 ext. illum fascia signs; x1 internally illum. proj. sign
10.04244/A 25 Penn Street, BS 1 Hanging sign at first floor level
10/03620/A 17-19 Straits Parade, Fishponds BS16 x2 int. illum. proj. signs, x1 int. illum. Facia panel, to front, ditto to side, x4 intally applied vinyl graphics.
10/04286/A George & Railway, Victoria St. Open weave mesh display on scaffolded elevation
If you have any points you wish to raise on any of the applications
please send an email,
if possible by 5pm on the day of the meeting,
to Gordon Tucker gordonjtucker@googlemail.com and
John Payne johnpayne997@btinternet.com.