NPN Bi Monthly Meeting

Agenda items for 19th May 2010 

A suggestion has been made that we look at a number of planning issues to do with power/energy and sustainability in the next meeting. There are the following areas of interest:

How Core Strategy sustainability policies will promote energy efficiency measures in new design

The regulations regarding installing energy generating equipment on existing buildings eg solar panel, photo voltaic panels etc on roofs/ wind turbines

Any requirements to consider energy / insulation issues in conversion of existing buildings in planning or building control

Would this be a good idea do you think? Are there any other topics you would like to suggest?

Central Area Action Plan

The first Bristol Development Framework consultation event on the City Centre Area Action Plan was held on at Colston Hall on 25th March 2010. The next event will be held in mid July.

The presentation and notes from the meeting are on the council website and can be reached from this link.


An online consultation called asking you to identify areas and issues to Cherish or Change is being carried out from 25th March to 31st May.


Do have a look at this and the comments that have been received so far and add your own.

This information from the event and from the Cherish and Change online consultation is the ‘Issues’ stage of the LDF document.

Information from the Issues consultation will be used to carry the drafting of the Central Area Action Plan forward to the next stage.

The next stage will be to set out Objectives – that is to agree a ‘vision’ for how the city centre should be developed and protected in response to the Issues identified. A public event is planned for July 2010 which will focus on objectives and start to look at options for achieving these objectives.

To be involved in future events contact BDF team at bdf@bristol.gov.uk

Site Allocations Development Plan Document [DPD] and Development Management DPD

The public consultation period for the Site Allocations DPD, Development Management DPD and Area Green Space Plans will start on 14th June.

A consultation event is planned for June 2010 for the Site Allocations DPD.

Information will also be published in ‘Our City’ by Bristol City Council. This is delivered to every household in the city.

The Development Framework team are compiling information gathered during the Call for Sites exercise and the SHLAA [Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2009] available athttp://www.bristol.gov.uk/redirect/?oid=FileStorageItem-id-32536113

Maps of all sites identified in the Call for Sites exercise in Autumn 2008 are available at


or http://tinyurl.com/y7z9nqr

Neighbourhood Issues Profiles which draw together the various pieces of evidence for each neighbourhood were presented to the Neighbourhood Partnerships during Feb/March 2010 and are available at http://www.bristol.gov.uk/redirect/?oid=Article-id-33258023

A general description of how the consultation on Site Allocations is to be carried out is available athttp://www.bristol.gov.uk/ccm/cms-service/stream/asset/?asset_id=29900064

NPN administrators are working with the BDF team to help with planning the detail of this consultation.

For any further details contact the BDF team at bdf@bristol.gov.uk

Bristol Development Framework: Core Strategy

An examination in public will be held. This is likely to be in late June 2010. The inspector will ask for clarification he requires on issues from the Local Planning Authority and then, after the pre-hearing in May, from members of the public who have submitted comments.

Further information on this to follow.

Draft guidance – Waste and recycling collection and storage facilities on new developments

A consultation is underway on guidance for the requirements on developers for dealing with waste, recycling and storage provision on new developments. Comments are requested. The closing date is April 30th.

see links


or http://tinyurl.com/y4b22m5

Houses in Multiple Occupation

I have received an email from the HMO Lobby group and NORA, the National Organisation of Residents Associations. link to NORA: http://www.alan.shrank.freeuk.com/

Extracts follow:-

The new legislation on HMOs came into force last week. From now on, anyone wanting to turn a family house into a HMO will need planning permission.

A backlash was inevitable, and has been launched by the National Landlords Association. They have launched a campaign for its withdrawal.

And they seem to have caught the ear of the Conservative Party –

just before Easter, David Cameron tabled an Early Day Motion in the Commons, calling for the cancellation of the new legislation (go tohttp://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm/cmedm/100329e01.htm and look for no. 1200).


The National HMO lobby chairman suggests taking this up with the politicians:
David Cameron, your MP and local councillors.

If you wish to do so and would like to see the full text of the email please let me know.

Bristol Civic Society

For news from Bristol Civic Society go to http://www.bristolcivicsociety.org.uk/
and sign up for the e-bulletin.

For further information on any item contact Alison Bromilow –