2012 NPN Annual Meeting  – 3 March

The notes from the annual meeting have now been posted on the website.

To see the meeting notes, the introduction and the issues and suggestions collected from members go to the NPN website meeting notes page.

Planning and Localism: choices and choosing

The full guide, previewed at the recent NPN quarterly meeting, which has been drawn up by the Localism Network for CPRE Gloucestershire, on the options for planning tools available and how to choose the best one for you, is now available here.

Preparing for an ageing society: is the built environment fit for the future?

Healthy Communities Research Forum seminar 25 April 1.30 – 4.30
Main UWE site at Frenchay. Attendance free.
Refreshments provided. read more.
Please contact Carolyn Webb to book, Carolyn.Webb@uwe.ac.uk

Economic Case for Planning Reform debunked

CPRE, National Trust and RSPB have commissioned a study which debunks the economic case for planning reform. read more

Community Infrastructure Levy consultation

Representations on the CIL Draft Charging Schedule may be made during a four week period ending on 30 March 2012, and the relevant documents can be found on BCC website;
go to BCC CIL consultation link read more about CIL

Renewable Energy advice

Bristol neighbourhood groups considering renewable energy proposals in their neighbourhood plans can obtain some help developing these proposals with the local Sustainable Energy Charity CSE.

Any group interested should contact Liz in the first instance to discuss further,
details given below,
e-mail liz.beth@cse.org.uk

Liz Beth 
Low Carbon Localism Project Manager,
Centre for Sustainable Energy, 3 St Peter’s Court, Bedminster Parade, Bristol BS3 4AQ
0117 934 1436 (direct)
0117 934 1400 (switchboard)