Quarterly meeting 22nd July 2015
Bristol Neighbourhood Planning Network meeting with BCC planning officers.
Venue: Brunel House
Date: Wednesday 22nd July
Time: 5:30- 7pm
Bristol Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone Update (BTQEZ)
5:30 Welcome- Zoe Willcox
5:35 Update on BTQEZ Spatial Framework- Andy Gibbins
5:55 The New Temple Gate- Chris James
6:15 Pre-applications and Planning Applications in the Enterprise Zone- Gary Collins
6:35 Engagement and Consultation- Zoe Willcox
6:45 Questions
Date of next meeting: Thursday 15th October 5:30- 7pm
Brunel House
Please can you let me know if you would like to attend this meeting so that we can have an idea of numbers.
Please note this is a meeting for NPN members and is not a public meeting.