Quarterly meeting: Planning and Localism 

Thursday 19 January
17.30 to 19.30 

Brunel House Reception area,
St George’s Road

At the next quarterly meeting, we will be looking at the various options for plans for neighbourhoods and sites that groups and the planning officers could consider.
Jeff Bishop and Hugh Nettelfield from The Localism Network will present a paper which they have drawn up to help decide which of the various options is the best for each group / situation and we will then discuss these options, including reference to experience from the
3 ‘front runner’ projects in Lockleaze, Bedminster, and Redcliffe.

This is going to be a very useful meeting for all groups who are considering working on a plan or design guide for their neighbourhood. The Localism Act Neighbourhood Development Plan process has very prescriptive rules for groups and for the Local Planning Authority to operate under; come and find out about these and what other options you could look at.

We anticipate there will be a lot of interest in this meeting; 
please let me know, if you want to attend, so that we can make sure
there is room for everyone

If there is high demand we may change the venue;
therefore, it is important that you confirm whether you want to attend,
so we can let you know, if we change the venue.


Annual Meeting of NPN

Saturday 3 March
10 am – 1 pm

Unitarian Church
Brunswick Square

Please put the date in your diaries.

Any suggestions for items you would like to discuss, or have information about, would be most welcome.

Workshop: “Are you fit…? For Neighbourhood Planning”

Planning Aid is offering to run a workshop called
Are You Fit…? for Neighbourhood Planning.’ 

See NPN website news for details

If you are interested in attending a workshop could you please let me know and we and
Bristol City Council Planning Dept will contact them to arrange a suitable date.

Workshop: On how design and development of a site is approached

Bristol Society of Architects / RIBA is offering to run another workshop looking at

  • how design and development of a site is approached and
  • what issues need to be addressed in the design.

The first workshop in 2010 was well received by the NPN members who attended.

It could help you with doing your own site plans / briefing documents for development sites in your area or with assessing pre application and planning application proposals.

We need to know whether group members would like to have another workshop.