London needs a Planning Network too
One of the 7 recommendations made by the London Assembly to Mayor Boris Johnson is that they should set up a planning network like Bristol.
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Neighbourhood Development Planning
Information on the Statutory requirements for setting up a Forum and designating a Plan area see below.
BCC How To Neighbourhood Planning in Bristol
The next round of applications will be invited in October 2012.
see minutes of Quarterly meeting July 2012 for discussion about NDFs
See Bristol City Council website pages on Neighbourhood Planning.
See Statutory requirements to become a designated body; extract from Localism Act
Development Services e bulletin
The newsletter sent out to Planning Users Group.
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Bristol Local Listing proposal: request for comments
Bristol is going to introduce a local list of landmark buildings. This will enable the planning authority and community to identify buildings and building elements which have a high value to the neighbourhood.
read more and respond to request for comments.
Bristol Buildings Preservation Trust
BBPT wants to extend the official “Buildings at Risk” register to include other “buildings of merit” and also identify cases where the BBPT might work with a developer to save such buildings, eg finding new uses for them, and perhaps generating funds to help the next project.
Contact Cllr Hassell for more information – patrick.hassell@bristol.gov.uk
Planning applications for tree works
Bristol Tree Forum would like to coordinate responses with Network groups
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Government Planning Fee consultation report
from the National HMO lobby
read more.
Consultation on changes to Listed Building Consent
DCMS have published a Consultation Paper on ‘improving the planning regime for Listed Building Consent’, which may reduce the control over changes to listed buildings.
Closing date is 23 August
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