February NPN quarterly meeting date

Date confirmed as
Thursday 28 February,
5.30 to 7.00
at City Hall (Council House)
Apologies for the cancellation of the previous meeting date.
The agenda topic is an update on Design in the planning system

Bristol Local Plan – Next Step for Site Allocations

Bristol City Council’s Site Allocations plan is due to reach a key stage when Mayor George Ferguson presents it to Council on 15 January. If agreed by the Council, the plan will be published for representations on 22 March. Any representations will be considered by a Planning Inspector in the autumn.

Site Allocations and Development Management document is not a snappy title – but it does what it says on the tin. It allocates sites for development, says what uses can go on them and shapes the form and content of development. There are new policies to help retain pubs, shape the balance of homes in residential areas and protect gardens.

Facts and figures:

  • 84 sites are allocated for a range of uses including over 7,000 new homes
  • 39 policies for managing development
  • 600 hectares of Green Belt continues to be protected on the city’s fringes
  • 2,000 hectares important for recreation, children’s play and townscape are retained as important open space
  • 1,000 hectares are identified for existing and new industries

The plan can already be taken into account when deciding planning applications and it gains full legal status when adopted next year. The document will then become part of the Bristol Local Plan, alongside the 2011 Core Strategy.

For more information visit www.bristol.gov.uk/siteallocations

Annual NPN meeting 2013

It would be good to hear from you all about what you would like to cover at the next annual meeting. Last year’s meeting was on Saturday morning in early March at the Unitarian Chapel in Brunswick Square. This appears to be an acceptable format.

If you have any suggestions for alternative venues, dates or
for agenda items please let me know asap.