NPN Annual Meeting:

Saturday 5 February
9.30 – 12.30
Unitarian Chapel, Brunswick Court, Brunswick Square BS2

NPN members are invited to get together on 5 February to discuss how the Network goes forward for the year. There are a lot of new initiatives coming from the Coalition Government to discuss, and we would like your feedback on local and national changes to planning processes.

Proposed Agenda items:
Localism Bill
how does this change the way planning works and how do NPN groups get involved?

update and feedback

Area Plans
update and feedback

Neighbourhood Partnerships
how are NPN groups finding they can work with the NP organisation?

AOB and priorities for the year
and if there are any particular items you would like to see added to the agenda.

BCS & Bristol and Bath branch of RIBA: January speaker event OPEN TO ALL

Monday 17 January
Unitarian Meeting Hall, Brunswick Square (North Side)

Admission for members is FREE, non-members £2.00

The State of Architecture Today
– can we make any sense of it?

The speaker will be
Professor Richard Parnaby,
Joint Director of the Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments
at the University of the West of England.

Everybody is in favour of good design but how do we know what is good?
Contemporary architecture offers a bewildering variety of styles –
hi-tech parametricism…
How do we tell good from bad, the beautiful from the ugly?

See Bristol Civic Society Website for flyer.

NPN bi monthly meeting with Planning Officers

Tuesday 18 January
5.30 – 7.30
Brunel House

Proposed Agenda
I have asked for an update of the programme on the many processes in the BDF that are currently in train:
Core Strategy
Site Allocations and what is now happening to AGSP disposal sites
Development Management principles
Central Area Action Plan

I have asked that this will include an explanation of what is happening with the information that has been submitted for eg the Site Allocations and Development Management Principles, and what the next stages will be for each of these processes.

Proposed changes to CIL and the Localism Bill are still not fully worked out,
so this could be on the next meetings agenda.

If there is anything you want to raise please can you let me know asap
so that we can give the officers time to prepare the response.


Tuesday 8 Feb
Colston Hall 2


BCS is presenting this event and public debate

Introduction by
David Bishop,
Strategic Director of City Development

The speakers are
Peter Floyd
former Head of Urban Design,
Prof John Punter
Chair of Steering Group Bristol Urban Design Forum and
David Freed
Director of Deeley Freed Estates Ltd

The ideas generated by the event will help to guide the preparation of the
Central Area Action Plan

Bristol Civic Society Planning Applications Group (BCS PAG) Meeting Lists

Since July 2010, I have been circulating the agenda for these meetings so that other planning groups are aware that the BCS is considering commenting on the applications listed.

You are invited to contact the BCS to let them know of your own concerns or responses to the proposals so that they can take account of them in their comments.

The list for the meeting
10 January has been posted on the NPN website in News.

Please see the link for details of which applications are on the list and contact details for the BCS PAG.

A list of current applications being considered by the Planning Applications Group is kept on the BCS website.

Planning Aid Funding withdrawn from 31 March 2011

A formal letter from the minister, Rt Hon Greg Clark MP, has been received by the RTPI,
which states that the RTPI Planning Aid England (PAE) contract and funding will not be continued beyond the 31 March 2011.

The RTPI, which oversees the PAE delivery contract, have also met with officials at the Department of Communities and Local Government (CLG) to discuss the future for PAE beyond this date.

Alternative funding streams are being sought for Planning Aid and they are hoping to be able to continue to provide their support for communities after the cut off date.

For more details and to support their campaign
please contact Mike Oakley at

Bristol City Council Consultation on Potential significant changes to the Core Strategy

The Council have now published potential significant changes to the Core Strategy arising from the examination hearings that took place in June, July and September 2010.

They are set out in the ‘Schedules of Potential Significant Changes’ document below. The Council is now inviting representations on these changes.

Notes produced at the Publication stage to assist with the making of representations can still be used and are also available to download.

Consultation closes 28 January
To make comments about the proposed changes go to link

Bristol City Council Consultation on Article 4 directive Housing in Multiple Occupation

The Council are providing an opportunity to make representations on the making of an article 4 direction to remove permitted development rights for a change of use between
a Dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) and a small House in Multiple Occupation (Use Class C4).

The Article 4 was made on 10 December 2010 for the wards of Ashley, Cabot, Clifton East, Cotham and Lawrence Hill and is proposed to come into effect on 11 December 2011.

Consultation closes 31 March 2011
To make comments about the Article 4 directive go to link