Under Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980 it is an offence for a vehicle to cross a verge or footway except at a crossing point approved by the local highway authority.
It is permitted development for a house in single ownership ie not divided up into flats or occupied as a HMO to make an off street parking space in their front garden but the highway authority has to assess aspects such as safety to ensure that the location is acceptable before the householder can create a pavement crossover.
The local planning authority has the power under Article 4(2) of the Town and Country planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 to make a Direction withdrawing certain permitted development rights, where it is satisfied that such development should not be carried out within the whole or any part of a Conservation Area unless planning permission is granted for it on an application.
Permitted development rights have been removed from houses in single owner occupation in some areas of Bristol see Article 4 page.
Demolition of the whole of a front garden wall in a conservation area will need planning permission.
Demolition of part of a wall in a conservation area may need planning permission.
To find out whether a property is in a conservation area use the Know Your Place website and find the column on the Left Hand Side > Historic Information > Conservation areas. Tick the box and the conservation areas will be shown.
Bristol City Council has drawn up a Policy Advice Note, see PAN 6 on ‘Off street residential parking in Conservation Areas.’
This sets standards for changing part of a front garden to an off street parking space. BCC intends to update this PAN but it continues to be a material consideration despite not being current.