On June 23rd 2014 the previous Local Development Scheme was replaced by the new LDS which sets out the progamme for bringing into force the Local Development Documents (LDDs) which comprise Bristol’s policy- see the paper here

The LDDs are as follows:

Bristol Local Plan

  • Core Strategy – June 2011

The Core Strategy is the overall approach for planning development in Bristol.

  • Joint Waste Core Strategy – March 2011

The Joint Waste Core Strategy guides decisions about where major waste facilities should be located within the West of England local authority areas. It was adopted by the four West of England authorities.

  • Adopted Bristol Local Plan Saved Policies – December 1997

The Bristol Local Plan 1997 contains 86 saved policies which will be used in deciding planning applications until they are replaced by the emerging Site Allocations and Development Management Policies and the emerging Bristol Central Area Plan.

 The Emerging Plan

The local plan documents that will be added to the Bristol Local Plan once they are adopted are:

• Site Allocations and Development Management Policies
• Bristol Central Area Plan
• Gypsies & Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Sites

A Policies Map will be produced to show those policies and proposals in local plan documents that apply to specific geographical locations


 Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and Policy Advice Notes (PANs)

A series of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and Policy Advice Notes (PAN) provide greater detail on policies within the Local Plan and support decisions on planning applications.

Supplementary Planning Documents

• Tall Buildings (SPD1 )
• A Guide for Designing House Alterations and Extensions (SPD2)
• Future of Redcliffe (SPD3)
• Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document
• Economic Contributions from New Development (SPD6)
• Archaeology and Development (SPD7)
• Nelson Street – Regeneration Framework (SPD8)
• Planning a Sustainable Future for St Pauls (SPD10)
• University of Bristol Strategic Masterplan (SPD11)

Policy Advice Notes

• Conservation Area Enhancement Statements (PAN2) – November 1993
• Shopfront Guidelines (PAN8) –
• Responding to Local Character – A Design Guide (PAN15) – March 1998

In addition, the council produces:

  • Practice notes
  • Statement of Community Involvement
  • Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule
  • Monitoring report