A letter to England’s local authorities from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s (MHCLG) chief planner states that the government intends to publish a draft revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) before Easter.
The NPPF is being revised to include planning reforms outlined in the housing white paper, which was published in February 2017; the Planning for the Right Homes in the Right Places consultation published in September 2017; and announcements in the Autumn Budget.
Steve Quartermain CBE wrote: “We will consult on both new policies from the Budget, and the text of the framework, to make sure the wording is clear, consistent and well understood. Our ambition is to publish a final revised framework in the summer.”
The letter also contains details on Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations. On 24 January, Parliament considered regulations that would amend Regulation 128A of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations. Subject to Parliamentary approval, these will come into force in February.
The full letter can be found here on the MHCLG website (pdf).
From Planning Portal News 8 February 2018.