BCC is reviewing its Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). The SCI sets out how BCC involves the community in producing its planning policy documents and determining planning applications.

The current version of the SCI was adopted in 2008. In order to reflect recent reforms to the planning system and the experience of community involvement since 2008, the SCI is being reviewed. BCC would welcome initial thoughts from NPN member groups on the content of the revised SCI by Friday 23rd January 2015.

These will inform a draft revised SCI which will be published for public consultation in Spring 2015.

Comments should be made to either:

  • blp@bristol.gov.uk or
  • SCI Review, Strategic City Planning, Bristol City Council, 2nd Floor, Brunel House, St George’s Road, Bristol BS1 5UY

For information, the current SCI can be viewed here:


If you have any questions, please contact Chris Lawler, Planning Policy Officer, BCC at christopher.lawler@bristol.gov.uk or 0117 922 4688.’