Planning update: The Bristol Local Plan

This is an update on the preparation of the Bristol Local Plan – the set of planning documents to guide future development decisions. The Local Plan was previously called the Bristol Development Framework.


Core Strategy:

The Core Strategy is the overall approach to planning development in Bristol. It was adopted in June 2011.

  Site Allocations and Development Management Policies:

This will provide planning policies for specific sites, identifying those which can be developed and those which should be protected from development. It will also include detailed policies used to decide planning applications.

Next steps:
The Site Allocations and Development Management Policies will be published for representations from22 March to 10 May 2013. The document will be accompanied by a statement giving information on how consultation has shaped the allocations and policies.

In July, the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies will be submitted to the Secretary of State for examination. A planning inspector will examine the soundness of the plan, taking into account the representations which have been made between 22 March and 10 May. Public hearings are expected to take place in October 2013.


Bristol Central Area Plan

As the national local planning regulations and NPPF no longer refer to area action plans, the plan will now just be called Bristol Central Area Plan.
This part of the Local Plan will guide development in the centre of the city.

Next steps: 

Comments on the Options document are being used to help prepare the Publication Version of the Bristol Central Area Plan. This is expected to be released in Summer 2013 at the earliest.


Neighbourhood Planning

The recent consultation on Forum designation is now closed. The two forum designation applications for Old Market and Lawrence Weston will be decided in May.

  Cross boundary matters

Bath and North East Somerset Council is proposing to release land from the Green Belt at Whitchurch as part of its Core Strategy amendments. There will be a consultation on this starting on 26 March. This is likely to be of interest to any neighbourhood planning groups in the Stockwood, Hengrove or Whitchurch Park areas of Bristol.


South Gloucestershire:
 Planning Inspector’s note following the further hearing on 7 March says that the Core Strategy is still considered sound and he will be providing proposed modifications to the council on 18 March, for further consultation.

South Glos has continued with the production of the SPD to cover the proposed development on Filton Airport. This has been approved in principle by the council before the end of the consultation. Information on the Cribbs / Patchway neighbourhood proposals are available here.

Bristol CC has been responding to these proposals and has expressed concerns about the impact on the communities in North Bristol, particularly with regard to traffic.

  Practice note on flood risk sequential test

This is due to be published on 2 April. It is mainly aimed at developers and provides guidance on how to approach the NPPF’s sequential test relating to development and flood risk.

Planning course

Assessing and Responding to Planning applications
10, 17 and 24 April.
This course has been very popular and there are only a couple of places left.
If you are interested please let me know, but, if there are a large number of additional applicants, we may have to consider how to prioritise allocation of the places.

NPN quarterly meeting

Presentation on Design in the Planning System is now available on the NPN website here