Link to consultation read here
The consultation closes at 11.45pm on March 27th 2021
This consultation seeks views on draft revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework. The text has been revised to implement policy changes in response to the Building Better Building Beautiful Commission “Living with Beauty” report.
A number of other changes to the text of the Framework are also set out and explained in this consultation document, but we are not proposing a review of the National Planning Policy Framework in its entirety at this stage. A fuller review of the Framework is likely to be required in due course, depending on the implementation of the government’s proposals for wider reform of the planning system.
This consultation is also seeking views on the draft National Model Design Code, which provides detailed guidance on the production of design codes, guides and policies to promote successful design. We made a commitment to seek views on the National Model Design Code as we expect it to be used to inform the production of local design guides, codes and policies and want to ensure it is as effective as possible.
Link to consultation read here
The consultation closes at 11.45pm on March 27th 2021